Current Conditions
Lunar age: 11d 6h |
Solar conditions |
Geomagnetic Field: | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Solar X-rays: | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
from |
Click here for the National Weather Service forecast for Eagle Rock Observatory | |
Sunrise, Sunset, and Astronomical Twilight | ||||||
Twilight |
hh:mm of |
Twilight |
Time |
Night of |
Sunset |
Ends |
Darkness |
Begins |
Sunrise |
Zone |
10/12-10/13 |
6:48PM |
8:23PM |
9:41 |
6:05AM |
7:40AM |
10/13-10/14 |
6:47PM |
8:22PM |
9:44 |
6:06AM |
7:41AM |
Sunrise, sunset, and lunar cycle calculations by Stradivarius Services.
hits from visitors
This page last revised on 2/12/2019